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School Board Meetings

School Board meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Bradford County School District School Board Meeting Room at 501 W Washington St, Starke, FL 32091.

Special Board Meetings and Workshops are scheduled on the fourth Monday of the month at 8:30 a.m. as deemed necessary.

Due to holidays meeting dates may change.

  Items to be placed on the agenda must be submitted to Lila Sellars, Secretary to the Superintendent, no later than (11) eleven days before the       scheduled board meeting. All items should be in electronic PDF form.

 Under Florida law, e-mails are public records. If you do not want your e-mail released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to   the BCSD. Instead, contact this office by phone.

 Contact Lila Sellars at 904-966-6018.

Custodian of Public Records



Lila Sellars
501 West Washington Street
Starke, Florida 32091
Phone: 904-966-6018
Fax: 904-966-6030

Florida Statutes Chapter 119 PUBLIC RECORDS 

119.07- Inspection and copying of records; photographing public records; fees; exemptions.


  Copies of public records may be obtained by making a request to the lawful custodian of the records.  Charges for copies    of public records not exceeding 8 1/2" X 14" in size shall be fifteen (.15) cents for each one-sided copy or twenty (.20)        cents for each two-sided copy, unless a different fee is otherwise prescribed by Florida Statutes. A one dollar ($1.00) fee    shall be assessed for a certified copy of a public record. Copies shall be made by the appropriate staff members at  a      time which does not interfere with their normal workday.

  The appropriate staff member's hourly rate will be charged for complying with the public records request in increments        of 15 minutes.

Citizen Request Form to Speak at Board Meeting


  Click →  Citizens Request Form

  If you wish to address the Board, there is an opportunity to do so during the Citizens Request Time. It is listed on the agenda under “Citizen           Request.” Speakers are asked to complete the Citizen Request Form and submit it to the Board Secretary, Lila Sellars, PRIOR  to the beginning of the   meeting. Each speaker should begin by stating his or her name and address for the record. Comments are limited to 3 minutes.

Meeting Agenda and Minutes