Home School Education
Dr. Stephen Richardson
Phone is (904) 966-6849
Please call or email Dr. Richardson to schedule an appointment.
Deciding the Best Educational Route for your Student
Per Florida Statutes: Florida Law (Section 1003.21, Florida Statutes) states that all children who are either six years of age, who will be six years old by February 1 of any school year, or who are older than six years of age but who have not attained the age of 16 years, must attend school regularly during the entire school term. A student who attains the age of 16 years during the school year is not subject to compulsory attendance beyond the date of which the student attains that age if he/she files a formal declaration of intent to terminate school enrollment with the school district.
Parents’ Responsibility
School attendance is the responsibility of the parent. Since there is a strong relationship between attendance and academic performance, it is important that parents take an active role in working with the school to ensure their child’s attendance on a daily basis. Schools provide information regarding attendance policies and procedures at the beginning of the school year. Parents must contact the school each time a student is absent. However, methods of notification vary among schools. Absences are classified as excused and unexcused, local school board policy lists the reasons for which an absence may be excused. Florida Statute 1003.24
Each district school board establishes an attendance policy that includes, but is not limited to, the required number of days each school year that a student must be in attendance and the number of absences and tardiness after which a statement explaining such absences and tardiness must be on file at the school. Each school in the district must determine if an absence or tardiness is excused or unexcused according to criteria established by the district school board. Florida Statute 1003.24
What are my options?
For more information go to Florida School Choice.
How does FLVS work?
Information is available at Florida Virtual School.
Ready to Home School?
See Important Home School Documents
(Use the links below to print the form)
Notice of Intent to Establish a Home Education Program
Notice of Home Education Program Termination