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Bradford Classlink Portal
The Bradford Classlink Portal contains our web based products for administrative, support, teacher and student access. All of the products are in one place and are accessable by a single sign on (SSO). Comprehensive list of Business and Classroom Products
FOCUS Student Information System
FOCUS Student Information System is used by Admininstrative and Support personnel as well as Teachers, Parents, and Students. District and school staff use FOCUS for class scheduling, records keeping, discipline referals, attendance, etc. Teachers use FOCUS to input grades, take attendance, enter referrals, etc. Parents and students use FOCUS to obtain a class schedule, see assignments, check grades, and view test scores, attendance and referrals as well as to communicate with the teacher.
Skyward Business Information
Skyward Business is used by school employees for Financial and Human Resource recordkeeping and processing needs.
Skyward Employee Access Information
Skyward Employee Access is used by every employee to view information relating to employee personnel records, contracts, wages & benefits, W2s and leave balances.
I.T. Resources
Contact Us
For network and classroom equipment installs, troubleshooting or repairs please submit a Tech Shop work ticket.
For all other questions submit an I.T. Front Desk work ticket.
(904) 966-6860