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ESOL Information

Category I

Category II

Category III

Category IV

Primary Language Arts/English Teacher

Social Studies, Math, Science & Computer Literacy

All other subjects not included in Categories I or II

School Administrators & Guidance Counselors

ESOL Endorsement - 300 points

60 ESOL points

18 ESOL points

60 ESOL Points

Applied Linguistics

ESOL Basic 60

ESOL Basic 18

ESOL for Administrators or ESOL for Guidance Counselors

Methods of Teaching ESOL


Curriculum & Materials


Testing & Evaluation


Cross Cultural Communications



The chart above dictates how many ESOL points you need for the subject you teach, as well as gives you the course title for ESOL trainings. All Intensive Reading, English and Language Arts Teacher (Category I) who do not have their ESOL endorsement or any teacher (regardless of Category) who has an ELL student enrolled in their class must begin working on it this year and continue to take one course per year until completion of the endorsement is achieved. 

All other teachers are encouraged to complete their requirements this year. ESOL courses may be taken through NEFEC. They are all online courses that you will have to pay for and can be reimbursed for through the Teaching, Learning, and Accountability department upon successful completion while funds are available. Contact Christina Cornwell at or Aimee Ferguson at for more information.